Tips For Building A Scalable Business

One of the essential ingredients if you want to achieve more freedom and success in your business is scalability. If you aren’t familiar with the term, it essentially means that your business has the potential to grow and multiply without the need to hugely increase your costs. A good example of a scalable business is one that develops software. Once you’ve created that software product, it’s fairly easy to replicate that to share with hundreds or thousands of people at minimal cost. A scalable business is desirable because it allows for huge expansion but it doesn’t require a huge increase in baseline costs, which means higher profits for your business. I know that how to scale your business can be confusing, so I want to help. Here are some of my best tips for building a scalable business to keep in mind. Get the basics figured out Before you even think about scaling your business, you need to make sure the foundations are there. Are you targeting the right niche market? Is there room for your product/service in the existing market? Who is your core audience and do they have need for your product? What do your competitors offer that you don’t? These are all questions you need to ask yourself before you go down the route of making your business scalable. Make sure the core foundations of your business are refined so that you’re on the right track. Get your business ready You also need to make sure you have the resources to scale your business, which is why a lot of businesses bring in investors when they’re looking to scale for additional financing. It’s also important to get things like your servers, your website, your training processes, and your cloud storage organised and prepared. If you’re looking to rapidly expand your online retail store but your website can’t handle a huge flow of traffic or multiple payments at once, this may cause logistical issues. Use social media to your advantage Many businesses rely solely on social media to scale their business, and nowadays it’s a tool used by millions of people so it’s worthwhile putting some time into it. Allocate a budget for online marketing, as well as things like Facebook Ads and social media marketing if this aligns with your niche market and products/services. Outsource what you don’t need to do It’s tempting to try to do everything yourself when you’re a self-made business owner. However, this often means you’re spending your valuable time on things that could be outsourced or done by someone else. Use your time wisely, outsource what you don’t need to do, and put your energy into scaling your business and the most important tasks that will help facilitate more success. These are just a few tips for building a scalable business, and I hope you’ve found them useful.

About the author 

Petra Mayer