In this following infographic, MyQuest demonstrates the importance for action-based learning and for building activities into your learning interventions.
If you need any convincing, look at this statistic.
Only 20% of information is retained when learned in a passive environment. This compares to 75% when the learner has a chance to practice what was learned.
By actively experiencing the new content, the learner builds new connections between neurons, leading to greater retention.
Action-based learning also has other positive effects:
Elevate Metacognitive skills by 35%
Grow Problem-solving initiatives by 33%
Rise of understanding of interpersonal relationships by 29%
Increase in Team efficacy by 34%.
As a trainer in leadership and team training I experience that the level of interactivity and participation in the training event impacts understanding of the concepts, recollection the ability to explain what was learned in following sessions. And that seems to have an influence on the comfort to apply the concepts to real-life situations. And that is the real test for all learning, including action-based learning.
You may think that action-based learning is only possible when learning is in-person. However, above example of leadership and team training is a Virtual Instructor Lead Training in the online space.
It is absolutely possible to build action and interactivity into your online learning interventions in a way that keeps people engaged.
We use both, the chat interaction and bringing participants on microphone to interact with them, to probe their understanding and retention as well as to practice interactions between participants.
To learn more about how to develop action-based learning for your organization, or to learn more about our leadership and team training, reach out and let's chat.
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